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GeoAssist Limited - Civil, Environmental and Geotechnical


Soils & Rock Laboratory

Our in house laboratory operates to British Standards and caters for the majority of geotechnical tests for civil engineering purposes including aggregates testing. Our skilled laboratory technicians can perform a full range of soils and rock tests including :

  1. Atterberg Limits (Classification)

  2. California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

  3. Compaction, Density, Specific Gravity Tests

  4. Consolidation Tests

  5. Mechanical Analysis & Sedimentation

  6. Moisture Condition Value (MCV)

  7. Moisture Content

  8. Multi Stage Triaxial Tests

  9. Organic Matter Tests

  10. Permeability Tests (Constant & Falling Head)

  11. Sulphate & pH Tests

  12. Unconfined Compressive Strength Tests (UCS)